Book Review: Alara’s Call

I’m honored to be a part of the blog tour for the release of Kristen Stieffel’s debut novel, Alara’s Call. It’s the first book in The Prophet’s Chronicle and I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of the book to read and review!

So what’s it about?

Tales are often told of heroes who fulfill ancient prophecies. Alara’s Call is the tale of a woman who gives new ones.

Alara sees visions of other’s futures, but never her own.

A young clergywoman with a fiery passion for her Telshan faith, she has been assigned to a mission abroad but longs to lead a congregation in her homeland. Her father, the prime minister, jeopardizes her dream and her safety when he coerces her into what he calls a diplomatic mission.

But it’s a ruse.

The trip is meant to end with her marriage to the crown prince of a foreign nation, where members of Alara’s faith are persecuted and women oppressed. All for a trade agreement her father is desperate to enact.

But her mentor intervenes and takes Alara to Dorrel, the suitor she left behind. They believe they are safe, but foreign soldiers are under orders to bring Alara to the king’s palace…by any means necessary

I read this book in one sitting on a Saturday. It’s not entirely unusual for me to read books that quickly, but this book really grabbed my attention and wouldn’t let it go. For a fantasy novel, I generally expect high adventure, lots of action, and epic struggles between good and evil.

Alara’s Call definitely delivered on those fronts, but what really pulled me into the story was the world Kristen created. It’s got a rich history, interesting and diverse cultures, and a big focus on the religion of the main characters, Telshan, which is a clear allegory for Christianity. And while there is definitely a focus on the action and fight scenes, it’s really Alara’s journey that I found the most compelling.

Alara is a cleric, a religious leader in her community. She also receives periodic visions of the future, some vague and general, others specific and highly important. She struggles to reconcile what she wants in life with what she’s been called to do, the tension between government and religion, and the weight of a responsibility she doesn’t want (I know that all sounds vague, but I don’t want to give too much away!).

So if you like stories of daring adventure, conflicts of faith, and grand worlds to explore, give Alara’s Call a shot.

Here are some details you might want to know:

About the Author

Kristen Stieffel is a freelance editor and writer who specializes in speculative fiction. Although she edits projects in varied genres for both the general market and the Christian submarket, she is a novelist at heart. Member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and Christian Editor Connection, mentor with Word Weavers International, and on the planning committee for Realm Makers, Kristen stays busy doing what she loves most. She is also the associate editor of Havok, a flash-fiction magazine focused on science fiction and fantasy. Visit to learn more about this many-faceted author.

You can connect with Kristen on these social media sites:

Amazon Author:

And the publishers are hosting a release party on Facebook, so everyone can attend! You find out more information here:

So check out Alara’s Call, on sale September 19! You can buy it here:

Alara’s Call

Until next time, word nerds!

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